Leave a legacy with your land
Ensure your land is being stewarded responsibly with a renewable energy solution designed, constructed, and managed in alignment with the surrounding community and its values to regenerate soil health.
Every Silicon Ranch solar energy project starts with landowners like you who want to make a positive impact on the future of their community.

Does your property meet the needs of a solar project?
When we evaluate a site for solar facility development, we start with these criteria:
Contiguous land, from 25 acres to more than 1,000 acres, preferably flat and clear
Characteristics around proximity to power lines and/or a local utility substation
Physical Criteria
Geography, topography, floodplains, and wetlands
Regulatory Environment
Local considerations and zoning requirements
Meet Turkey Creek Solar Ranch
Watch to learn how Silicon Ranch’s regenerative approach to the Turkey Creek Solar Ranch is keeping the land in agricultural production with holistic planned sheep grazing, reusing materials instead of filling landfills, and sequestering atmospheric carbon in the soil.
Landowner Partners
Your land is in good hands
At Silicon Ranch, we keep our promises, including our commitment to being a responsible neighbor, steward, and pioneer in the solar energy industry.
When Silicon Ranch purchases land for a solar project…
We give people reliable, cost-effective choices for their source of power.
We create long-term community value in the form of capital investment, a significant boost in tax revenue, and job creation, without requiring government services in return.
We take excellent care to protect and restore the health of the land on which we build our projects.