Houston Solar, Rebuilding the sheep industry through Regenerative Energy® (Houston County, GA)

Silicon Ranch’s lambing barn is a first-of-its-kind facility to be built, owned, and operated by a solar company. In April 2024, we officially unveiled this new 26,000 square-foot lambing barn at the 68-megawatt (MWAC) Houston Solar Project in Houston County, Georgia.

Silicon Ranch designed and constructed the barn to support animal welfare for the project’s resident flock and to improve the genetics and increase production of both the Georgia flock and the national flock, with a goal of helping to rebuild and strengthen the sheep industry in the United States. Construction of the barn was completed in late 2023, in time for lambing season. The facility is sized to house 400 ewes and their lambs at a time, and Silicon Ranch plans to lamb annually in three separate waves to accommodate an eventual target of 1,200 ewes each year.

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