Silicon Ranch Radio Ep. 37 – On Domestic Manufacturing – Part VIII: Electrical Balance of Systems in Middle Tennessee

Episode Summary

In part eight of this series, Nick continues to explore the era defining opportunities presented by the clean energy transition to level up domestic manufacturing in the United States by highlighting innovative solutions entrepreneurs are developing to that end. On this episode, Nick’s survey of domestic manufacturing across Tennessee’s three grand divisions leads him into conversation with Ben Macias, the Chief Revenue Officer of Shoals Technologies Group. Shoals is a leading global provider of electrical balance of systems solutions with a large presence in Portland, Tennessee. Together, Nick and Ben discuss the importance of simplicity in the high-tech sector, the competitive advantage of operating near the geographic heart of the United States, and why automation isn’t the enemy of employment. Listen below!


Nick de Vries

Chief Technology Officer, Silicon Ranch

Ben Macias

Chief Revenue Officer, Shoals Technologies Group

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