Regenerative Energy®: Our Methodologies

Ecological Outcome Verification ​​ 

We measure and third-party verify our ecological outcomes using the Savory Institute’s Land to Market Ecological Outcome Verification assessment methodology, which the Institute developed in collaboration with leading soil scientists, ecologists, agronomists, and an extensive network of regenerative land managers around the world. This methodology s a tool for continuous improvement that measures and trends the health of the land as a living system. In 2021, the Savory Institute certified land housing ten Silicon Ranch solar plants as ‘regenerative’, the only solar land to receive this certification. 

Regenerative Energy EcoMetrics

Regenerative Energy® EcoMetrics is a custom, science-based methodology that monitors and measures the full value of environmental, social, and economic impacts that result from marrying solar power generation and regenerative land management practices at Regenerative Energy® projects. The platform generates an audit-ready report to support CSR, ESG, and climate disclosure reporting requirements, as well as sustainability, renewable energy, and carbon footprint reduction goals. 

“Measurement is the first step that leads…to improvement. If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t…improve it.”

Dr. H. James Harrington, Performance Improvement and Quality Guru

Regenerative Energy® EcoMetrics actively engages communities to develop meaningful, place-based clean energy and regenerative land management projects that drive beneficial outcomes.

The Value of Measuring Outcomes

Regenerative Energy® outcomes have value for project partners, the local community, the planet, and future generations.

Project outcomes can have a market value or a social (non-market) value. Regenerative Energy® EcoMetrics tracks and measures both market and non-market value environmental, social, and economic project outcomes. Market value outcomes include, among others, carbon emission reductions and removal, improved water quality, and increased biodiversity and habitat. Non-market value outcomes associated with social return on investment include increased water treatment capacity, new long-term jobs, associated wages, and direct and indirect spending. Notably, the platform has the ability to quantify and monetize a company’s enhanced social license to operate resulting from its participation in meaningful and impactful Regenerative Energy® projects.

Regenerative Energy® EcoMetrics Captures and Reports Social Return on Investment

Social Return on Investment measures values to stakeholders that are not traditionally reflected in financial statements but that are gaining recognition and importance. 

Regenerative Energy® EcoMetrics is a custom, outcome-based and community-driven tool that offers multiple benefits

Community Engagement and Empowerment

Integrates active community engagement through workshops, surveys, and interviews to collect data that maximize outcomes of local value

Audit Ready Report

Generates audit-ready report to support CSR, ESG, and climate disclosure reporting requirements, as well as sustainability, renewable energy, and carbon footprint reduction goals

Sharable Forecast of Externalized Societal Benefits

Forecasts a valuation of outcomes that enables project partners to understand and communicate—both internally and externally—the externalized societal benefits of investing in Regenerative Energy® in a quantified and, where appropriate, monetized manner

Enhanced Social License to Operate

Calculates Social Return on Investment (SROI) and provides a third-party verified SROI narrative that enhances brand equity and augments social license to operate. Determines traditional Return on Investment to support the business case for projects

To learn more, contact Silicon Ranch.

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